Wednesday, May 13, 2009


On previous post, I had promised myself that I didn't want to update this blog due to Mid-Year Exam and now its broken, haha. Actually it is because of the only ICT paper for tomorrow and the 100% of my revision focused on computer, but its doesn't matter lah...

[this is special to participant of scout's camping and smkds-rian]

Refer to my older post, [click here] I have write about hantu right? Here I want to tell the truth of the picture that we called berhantu or menyeramkan. Person who are joining the camping have said that, not me!

(click the image to enlarge for the clearer view)
Ini adalah gambar yang telah di zoom dan gambar kecil adalah gambar yang sebenar. Mereka, (peserta perkhemahan pengakap) gelarkan yang benda-alah kuning itu hantu? sebenarnya sudah terang lagi bersuluh bahawa itu bukan lah hantu bagi saya. Jelas-jelas sekali ia kelihatan seperti baju. Untuk penerangan yang lebih lanjut, sila perhatikan nombor yang ada di gambar tersebut. Sila baca maklumat bernombor yang berikut.
  1. Hanger baju berserta baju kuning.
  2. Tali ampaian.
  3. Barangkali itu adalah pokok yang dijadikan tempat mengikat tali ampaian tersebut.
(click the image to enlarge for the clearer view)
Inverted image for clearer result. Smaller picture on the edge is the actual image.

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